
Posts Tagged ‘pacing’

P90X Journey: Day 9

In P90X Journey on 27 October 2010 at 10:24 am


26 Oct 10

I had every intention of working out this morning, but after last night I was just too exhausted. My co-worker told me that I would get more benefit out of working out in the morning….and I want to switch to mornings, but that will be a huge challenge for me and my late-night lifestyle. ARGH!!!! Changes…. I’m working out…isnt that enough?!

So I got up this morning and came straight to work. I will workout when I go home before I head out to PF Change w/ my mentor. The thing is, I know that I will need to view the menu online before I head over there so I can make a wise decision before I even walk into the building. Make sure that my portions are cut in half before I even eat and ask for a doggy bag. I cannot mess up! My friends and I are always out eating somewhere…it is how we bond.lol. but I will workout, that is not in question.

Unfortunately, this morning I went to Au Bon Pan just to speak to the staff there like I use to do all of the time before I started P90X, and then I got in my feelings. I told one of the staff members that I was doing P90X and he somewhat chuckled and said in his African accent, ” You? nooooo that is a hard exercise program. Are you just watching it?” I told him that I was offended. Damn did he think I was that fat , or was it because I was a woman who wasnt suppose to be able to do the routines, or was it just that I wasnt thought to be strong enough to do the program? Either way… I was offended and I let him know it. I almost tapped into my inner Naija!

I think that tonight is scheduled to be Cardio X. This week I will finish the lean program and next week I plan to switch over to Classic and do that for two weeks….then I want to switch over to doubles. I wanted to build up to doubles, and I don’t think that my switching around routines will hurt me all that much….expecially if I start after a rest day. I want to get results and make sure that everything stays fresh in my mind. I just know that the doubles are going to kill me.

It is 11:32 ESt and my Pedometer reads:8,626. I want to be well over 20 thousand steps by the time that I get home and I want to see if I can be past 30 thousand steps by the end of the day. And these are steps OUTSIDE of my P90X workout sessions…thsi is in addition to those. I thought it couldn’t hurt to move outside of the routines as well. Help speed up the process. I may actually start fitting in another day of cardio and going to the gym to run for 30 minutes to an hour just so I can burn more calories and pick up my endurance…as well as use some of the thigh resistance machines. Today I am tired, but I will have to push myself to make it through this exercise. I may get to bed early tomorrow. Well…let you know how the workout goes tonight.


So, after work I went home and I took a much need hour nap. I got it in my head that I needed to workout before I went out with my mentor, versus working out late at night again upon returning home. So I put on my workout shoes and I hit the living room floor running. I got struck by a touch of boredom during portions of the exercise which I had to correct my mindset and admit that it was just me wanting to sit down and watch the video rather than me being truly bored with it. I still can’t do the towel hop with both feet together because it hurts my shins. I also noticed that when I do a proper lunge, it stretches out the pinched nerve and lower back/hip area that usually gives me trouble. I ran through my house during the superman/bananas… I know, I know…. shoot me. At least I was moving… and I did everything else except the Dreya Rolls.

All in all I was happy that I worked out. I got it out of the way and I kept my word to myself for yet another day. Yesterday for lunch I had a small container from the buffet filled with strawberries, mushrooms, lettuce, olives, a hard-boiled egg, sunflower seeds, and tuna. I think that was a great light lunch filled with things I was supposed to have throughout the day. At P.F Chang’s I had the Hot & Sour Soup, Calamari (shut up I earned it), Sweet & Sour Chicken  (Shut up yet again) & the mini Red Velvet cake ( DANG DIDNT I SAY SHUT THE HELL UP! lol). But… I took home a doggy bag and I didn’t eat everything that was right in front of my face. I also only drank water through out the entire day yesterday. I can’t even tell you the last time I did that…and I wasnt disgusted by the absence of taste….lol.

Yesterday was a great day in the end…….I have a lot to still work through. Thanks for reading my journey. If you are thinking about doing P90X or have questions, or are on the program now…. LEAVE A COMMENT BELOW!!! Don’t worry, your email will not show, so you can enter it. Thanks!


~*My Mother’s Daughter*~