
Archive for 2014|Yearly archive page

Donating to Project X:A Poet’s Dream

In Writer's Block on 16 March 2014 at 2:16 pm

Hello everyone,

I thought that I would use this post to bring forth awareness to my upcoming project, Project X. I have been workng tirelessly to get it off the ground and I am in my final stages. I am aware that it is okay to ask for help, so I am reaching out to anyone who is willing to spread the word and/or donate. It would mean the world to me.  So if you or someone you know has a philanthropic heart, please share this information. I know that you will be blessed in return tenfold for all of your efforts. And no donation is too small. Many blessings in advance



Here is also a little bit more about the project:

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The Words: My Review on Stolen Truths

In Take 2: Film/TV Reviews on 26 January 2014 at 5:53 pm

The Words movie poster

They say that the truth begins where it ends. This movie ends with Clay, portrayed by Dennis Quaid, saying “At some point you have to choose between Life and fiction; the two are very close but they never touch. They are two very, very, different things.”  The Words make you question which you are watching. Even down to the last-minute you are questioning, not the movie, but yourself. Which plot line do you choose to believe? Read the rest of this entry »